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It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the broken- hearted , to proclaim liberty to the captives, opening of the prison to them that are bound , and comfort all that mourn.

Providing charity to all those in need, such as clothing , food e.t.c.
Assisting people with prayer that facing spiritual problems and difficulties and granting them deliverance through Christ Jesus.



The official name of the church is inspired by a vision which Jesus said that all members should adore him always as exactly Angels do heaven .


  1. To worship God almighty in holiness and reference.
  2. To preach the good news of Messiah Jesus christ and of the imminent kingdom of God through evangelism, Bible class, Bible lecture. Organized spiritual forum, print and electronic media.
  3. Organize charity and relief operations.
  4. To work for unity of all Christians.
  5. To prepare believers for the coming of the lord Jesus Christ.
  6. Inculcation and restoration of Christian value into homes/families to encourage cohesion peace and stability in homes, neighborhoods and nation through prayer , counseling and spiritual ministration.
  7. Promote crime free., and organize , to run seminars, and research


To evangelize to the world through the proclamation of the word, the good news of Messiah Jesus Christ and of the kingdom of God in proclaiming deliverance to those bound by the shackle of Satan.
Healing the broken hearted. the sick, the informed restoring hope to the hopeless and those who are bound
While reinforcing the faith to all both feable and strong in the unfailing righteousness and faithfulness of God Almighty and Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior


To teach the whole world always to seek the LORD GOD while he May be found , call upon him while he is near.

Through the Preaching gospel to the whole world that lost such as Christian, Muslim, Jewish ,and Gentiles to liberate them from Satanic bondage .
To ensure that the whole world shall be clean through his only word and uphold their peace as a new creature till eternity.

To propagate the word of JEHOVAH YAHWEH through his only begotten son YESHUA (JESUS CHRIST )’s gospel ,the only author and finisher of our faith to attain our divine salvation.